Workshop 2

Workshop 2

This week, I had the chance to lead another workshop on healthy eating and dieting with a group of wonderful kids. It was even more fun than the last one!

I started by setting up the kitchen and preparing some ingredients for the pasta salad we were going to make. We had some whole wheat pasta, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, feta cheese, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and oregano. Then, my fellow volunteers and I checked our presentation slides and our Kahoot quiz to make sure everything was working well. I had prepared some interesting facts and tips on dieting, as well as some interactive activities and games.

At 4 pm, I opened the door and greeted the kids who came in. They signed in and picked a seat at one of the tables. We recognized some of them from the previous workshop, and they seemed happy to see us again. To warm up, we played another game of food-themed this or that, where we asked them to choose between two options and explain why. For example, do you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Do you prefer burgers or pizza? It was a great way to get them talking and laughing.

After everyone had arrived, we started our presentation. I talked about the concept of dieting and why it is important to have a balanced and varied diet. I also talked about the dangers of fad diets and how to avoid them. I gave specific examples of fad diets that are popular online. I also explained how to plan their meals and snacks according to their goals and preferences. The kids were very engaged and interested, and they asked us questions. We also had some fun games to test their knowledge.

The highlight of the workshop was the pasta salad making activity. We set up a salad making station where kids could choose what was in their salad after we told them the nutritional values of all the foods. We gave them some pre-made dressing that we had bought from the store. We used this as an opportunity to teach them about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and how it can surprisingly be found in many products, including dressing. We showed them how to read the ingredient list and look for HFCS or other names for added sugars. We also explained how HFCS can affect their health and weight if consumed in excess. We encouraged them to choose dressings that are low in sugar or make their own with natural ingredients.

They got to taste their own pasta salads and share them with their friends. They also got to try the pasta salads made by the other groups. They were yummy! The kids loved them and asked for more.

Before we ended the workshop, we gave each kid a survey to fill out about their experience and feedback. We wanted to know what they liked, what they learned, and what they would like to see in future workshops. We collected their surveys and thanked them for their input.

We also gave each kid a copy of their pasta salad recipe. They expressed their gratitude for the workshop and said they had a blast. We expressed our appreciation for their participation and told them to stay healthy.

It was another wonderful experience for me and my fellow volunteers. We gained a lot from the kids and enjoyed their energy and imagination. We hope they gained something from us too and that they will keep making healthy choices in their lives. My volunteers and I were very satisfied with this workshop and how engaged the kids were. I think they really had fun! I’m looking forward to the next workshop!